Nicki Minaj Isn’t Bisexual

In a Rolling Stone interview rapper Nicki Minaj says she’s not bisexual, despite her own words to the contrary: Early in her career Minaj claimed to be bisexual, but now says she just did that to get attention. “I think girls are sexy,” she says....

R.I.P. Whitney Houston

If you’re old enough to remember the 1980s, then there is no question that you often heard Whitney Houston’s voice emanating from radios worldwide. Only a handful of solo artists in the past few decades could claim to be in her league at the height of her...

“No Homo” in Hip Hop

The use of the phrase “no homo” in hip-hop music was analyzed recently in “Does This Purple Mink Make Me Look Gay?” by Jonah Weiner, a pop critic for The phrase has been around since the 1990s and is invoked whenever a person wants...