Inside the Blog Divide

All blogging is not created equal, of course, but that becomes even clearer when you look at techPresident’s list of the top 50 political blogs. The list includes three “LGBT blogs” in their top 50–Andrew Sullvian’s Daily Dish, John...

Say it Ain’t So, Joe

As President Obama is set to take the stage at the Human Rights Campaign’s annual dinner here in Washington, the LGBT blogosphere has been abuzz about an email blast sent out of by HRC’s president Joe Solmonese–which he later clarified–suggesting the LGBT community needed to be patient with Obama and not act like it’s the end of Obama’s presidency, not the beginning.

The Ethics of Heckling Bill

When you are Bill Clinton and you decide to speak to a crowd of progressive bloggers, you should be prepared for some fireworks. And fireworks there were, when Clinton said gay blogger Lane Hudson would feel comfortable as a member of the mobs at the health care town meetings after Hudson interrupted Clinton with questions about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act.