LGBT Journalists Hall of Fame: Gail Shister

Established in 2005 as part of NLGJA’s 15th anniversary celebration, the LGBT Journalists Hall of Fame was launched to honor LGBT journalists who have shown courage and resolve by telling the truth, including their own personal truths, whatever the cost and whatever...

The H word

It’s a story that, compared to Serena Williams and Roger Federer, hasn’t been getting much U.S. press: South African middle distance runner, Caster Semenya’s physique raised suspicions after her performance in the 800 meters at the 2009 World...

Tennis, Anyone?

One of our goals with this blog is to both cast a critical eye on the coverage of LGBT issues, but also highlight journalism we like.  In that spirit, take a look at two tennis-themes pieces that show how good journalism does not have to be showy, but how LGBT themes...