Chatting with the LGBT Media

While many NLGJA members work in the LGBT press, for others I think it is an area that is easy to take for granted.  I always try to pick up the local newspaper or magazine to see what kind of coverage is out there and, of course, what I shouldn’t miss. Over at...

Adam Lambert is Gay

First, a confession. I don’t watch American Idol and would be hard pressed to pick Adam Lambert out of a crowd at Starbucks. But I know that everyone has assumed he was gay since the first moment he appeared on the television screen with his painted fingernails...

Bloggers v MSM on SSM = YMMV

The numbers crunchers at the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism found in its latest study that while the traditional media was focused on the nomination of Judge Sonya Sotamayor and North Korea, the new media conversation was on something...

Banning the F-Word

I believe that certain words should be off limits (at least to some people). To my taste, “faggot” is one of those words. When used against a man who has sex with men, I believe it’s equivalent to the N-word. In this context, I’ll refer to it...