Transphobia Versus Homophobia

Cuba is once again paying for sexual reassignment surgeries. The government began a program to fund the operations in 1988, but in response to complaints the program was suspended—until now. The new program is a direct result of the advocacy of Mariela Castro. She...

Dimensión LGBT

N.Y. De Dia, a Spanish-language daily newspaper in New York City, has announced that it will publish Dimensión LGBT, a weekly pull-out section on LGBT news. Here’s an excerpt of their statement (English translation my own): N.Y. De Dia becomes the first Latino...

Gay Latinos on CNN

CNN premieres its four-hour two-part series “Latino in America” at 9 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday, October 21, and Thursday, October 22. Soledad O’Brien hosts. Here’s a brief description of the series from its website: By 2050, the U.S. Latino...