Allies in Race and Gender
2:00pm – Grand Ballroom
Moderator: Sarah Blazucki
Panelists: Erik Olvera, Tiona McClodden and Yasmin Nair
BiJacked: Bisexuals Strike Back Against Inaccurate Reporting
2:00pm – Walnut Room Moderator: Faith Cheltenham Panelists: Ellyn Ruthstrom, Eliel Cruz and Kyle Schickner Download the Presentation (Or view as images: http://www.binetusa.org/bijacked) Faith Cheltenham Twitter @thefayth As BiNet USA’s President, Faith...
Fighting for Equality Within: How Government Officials are Advancing LGBT Rights
1:30 PM – Crystal Ballroom
Speaker: Nellie Fitzpatrick
Naming and the LGBT Community
Moderator: Brynn Tannehill
Panelists: Diane Anderson-Minshall, Dr. Scout, and Eliel Cruz
11:30am – Grand Ballroom

What Happens When the Dog Catches the Car?
9:45 AM – Grand Ballroom
Moderator: Erin Rook
Panelists: Tiq Malan, Spectra Asala and Urvashi Vaid